What is Thewallpaper.net?

Thewallpaper.net’ helps designers, bloggers, and anyone looking for images to find great photos and videos that you can use for free anywhere.

What is the license for photos and videos on ”Thewallpaper.net ”?

All photos and videos uploaded to ”Thewallpaper.net ” are licensed under the ”Thewallpaper.net” license. This means that you can use it for free for personal and commercial purposes. For more information, read the following questions, our license page or our Terms of Service.

Can I use photos and videos for a commercial project?

Yes, all photos and videos are free for commercial use. You can use them on your commercial website, blog, product, or anywhere else. Described content, such as trademarks, logos, or trademarks, may still be protected by confidentiality, copyright or trademark rights, and that the work described is endorsed by the person, trademark, trademark, or copyright owner of the work described, or your product or service. For such use, you may need the permission or approval of the third parties described.

Can I sell photos or videos from the ”Thewallpaper.net”?

You may not sell photos or videos licensed under the ” Thewallpaper.net” license as is. These include selling as prints (posters, postcards,) or physical products (t-shirts, glasses,…). You can only sell them if you have edited them, changed them, or otherwise added value. You are not allowed to sell or upload them on other stock photo or wallpaper platforms (but you can use our API to displayThewallpaper.net   photos and videos on your site or app).

Do I need to mention the source or the photographer?

No, the association is not required. However, if you talk about the ‘Thewallpaper.net’ ve and creator and make a connection, we will always be happy.

What are sponsored photos?

These are photos of partners that provide photos that you can purchase. If you click on one of your photos, you will be redirected to the websites. You can buy photos there.